MicroStation Help

Attach Projection

Used to attach a material mapping mode to an element.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Materials > Projections split button
  • Toolbox: Material Projections

Attach To Option menu that lets you define the attachment.
  • Element — Assigns a mapping mode to an element in the model.
  • Projection Group — (Selection group present only) Add a selected element to a projection group.
Mapping Option menu that lets you select a mapping mode.
  • Directional Drape — Mapping is applied relative to the direction specified by the Orientation setting.
  • Cubic — Uses a six-sided cube as the map shape.
  • Spherical — Approximates reflective surfaces by considering the environment to be an infinitely distant spherical wall.
  • Cylindrical — Wraps the map along the outside of a cylinder.
Orientation (Mapping set to Directional Drape only) Lets you select the orientation for the directional drape. Options are : Top, Front, Right, Bottom, Back, Left.
Capped (Mapping set to Cylindrical only) If on, the material is mapped in a similar manner to cubic. Any face whose normal is perpendicular (with a tolerance of +/– 45) has the texture mapped to it like a directional drape.

If off, the material is mapped to the sides of the cylindrical projection.